Familiar Fairies
Amazing Pirate Picture!!
Well i had a lovely weekend, watching KILNABOY play in the forest of dean and going to the beach and the Plough and Harrow pub at Monknash and i must say the company was excellent. It has been nice, we have had lots of visitors to our site recently and it has felt much more alive. Plus Simon making nettle and dandelion wine and birch sap wine is an added bonus.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Familiar Fairies, Galleons and my Lovelly weekend!!
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Bad weather but the plants will like it!!
Im a bit dissapointed by the weather changing but hopefully it will get better for next weekend when its my birthday and im going to small world festival.
Here are some nice pictures i found.
I wonder if its photoshop or a carving??
Big old tree!!!!
Amazing castle!!
Fractal Art
Street Art Que Guai!!
Wow the cans festival how cool!!
Stencil art is easy to do as well. Here Matte Resist explains how to make stencils:
"Come up with a design, but remember that you cannot have "islands" such as the middle of an "O" or "R." You can use straight lines to connect the islands, or you can disguise it a little by making what appear to be slight flaws. (See the c and o in the mind control stencil right:)
Transfer your design to a piece of cardboard or transparency. One free resource is recycled cardboard. You can draw your design straight onto the cardboard or transparency. Also thinner cardboard can be cut down to 8.5" x 11" and run through a photocopier. Try to keep the design towards the middle of the cardboard.
Using an incredibly sharp Knife or other blade cut out the design. (DISCLAIMER -don't try this at home kids, do it in the park or your mates house but get an adult to help you. ha ha) A dull knife will end up ripping the cardboard and cause a lot of problems.
Spray-Paint works best with cardboard stencils. Just place the stencil over whatever you want it on and spray a coat of paint. For Transparency stencils use acrylic paint, dabbed with a sponge or brush. Use little paint to stop it running.
To preserve your stencil, dab any excess paint off before it dries. With transparency stencils you can rinse them in water. "
Now get to work try doing different layers in different colours!! remember you can do it on clothes, stuff, walls anywhere it will be seen! Use stencils to get your voice heard!! Tell it how it is and make it funny!!
Amazing book Autopsies !! Art!!!!!!!
On a lighter note i came across these amazing sculptures that have been carved from books, by Brian Dettmer
Catacomb, skull tattoo ideas look away if you are scared of skulls / mummys
A bit morbid i know but ive been thinking of getting a tatoo and im interested in a catacomb/ skull type design in black and white or maybe skull and parchment coloured or maybe blue with a manx three legs triskle but that might be another one. Anyway i wont be getting a tatto till im completely happy with the design and im just starting to think so im in no rush. Here are some ideas from the catacombs of Palermo, Rome and Paris. I have dreamt about catacombs quite freequently throughout my life.spooky!!!!!
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Keep my Friend Babi safe!!!!!
This is my friend Babi, we met at the PAD social centre in Cardiff, he has the most funny stories and is a brilliant guy not to mention artist. Please help to:
Keep Babi safe in Cardiff
Babakhan Badalov, (Babi) is an openly gay, internationally renowned radical artist and poet from Azerbaijan. His art and poetry have been explicitly critical of the government and prominent members of present/past regimes. These factors have led Babi to become a target of repression and persecution over many years.
Because of his sexuality and the radical nature of his creative activities, he has endured government-led suppression together with physical and mental abuse from other sectors of society. All this has taken place in a Muslim country, where homosexuality remains an extremely taboo subject. This led one of Babi’s brothers to threaten to kill him because of the shame which he has brought on the family.
As a result of beatings and bullying over the years Babi has only eight teeth remaining and suffers from a number of mental health problems
Since arriving in Cardiff in December 2006, Babi has engaged fully with various parts of the local community and has made many friends in his new home. He is still producing poetry, is writing a book about his art/gay life experiences and is also working on a film addressing the rise of Muslim fundamentalism. This latter work, as well as many other aspects of his art, would of course be impossible in his country of origin.
For the first time in his life, Babi felt happy and safe in Cardiff. He felt able to openly express himself artistically, politically and with regard to his sexuality, without associated feelings of fear, shame and imminent repression.
Babi’s claim for asylum has recently been dismissed by the home office. If he is forced to return to Azerbaijan he faces an uncertain and unhappy future. He will undoubtedly face severe persecution, from the state, community and family.
What you can do to help Babi stay
Use this model letter: babi-badalov-model-campaign-letter to copy/amend or write your own letter to the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, asking her to allow Babi to stay safe in Cardiff.
Hand-written letters can be more effective, if you have the time. Remember to quote the Home Office ref. number: B1234623
Send to:
Rt Hon Jacqui Smith MP
Secretary of State for the Home Department
3rd Floor Peel Buildings
2 Marsham Street
-Fax: 020 8760 3132 (00 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)
-E-mail: jacqui.smith@homeoffice.gov.uk
Please send any copies of letters/faxes to:
Friends of Babi Badalov
c/o Refugee Voice Wales
389 Newport Road
CF24 1TP
Two of my friends, Joe and Simon found a beautiful brass telescope in a skip and thought it looked piratey so gave it to me!! it is now my most prized possession, think I'm totally addicted to brass! It looks a bit like these pictures not quite as shiny like the leather one but not as dented as the just brass one. I'm so happy!!!
Fancy Dress!
This beautifull picture reminded me that i am still on the hunt for an amazing outfit for parties and festivals ... the theme is to be victorian, whore, burlesque, pirate, so i will be searching for the perfect stuff to dress up in and making it so its the best outfit in the world. AH HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HA ...
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Making stuff and doing things.
This is my local anarchist newsletter, i love this cartoon i think it sums up the point about anarchism brilliantly. So that last post was a bit deep so i though that it would be good to learn how to do something, so here is an excerpt from the brilliant "Making stuff and doing things" By Kyle Brano adapted from numerour zines, anarchist, autonomous, feminist and punk/band zines etc.
So "How to Set Up a Sewing Machine" is the one i chose, i have been meaning to learn how to do this for some time and maybe by repaeting it here something will stick!! Lets hope so! a sewing machine can be a real handy item - you can alter and repair thrift store finds, quickly peg pants, make your own clothes, quilts, bags, pillows, toys hats and tons more. Its fairly easy to get a hols of a cheap second hand singer check out classifieds, flea markets or local bulletin boards. Plus, once you put the word out, you can never tell who may be getting rid of a machine. I got a 1960's singer from my boss's wife. One tip would be to stay clear of the newer computer chip run machines, stick to the simpler manual ones. Serious repairs are cheaper. Here's how to get the bobbin all set up. To fill a bobbin is simple
- Make sure the needle is at its highest position (turn the hand wheel towards you)
- Either open up the throat plate (flat metal plate under needle) or the metal door on the side of the machine under the throat
- Reach in and pull the latch on the bobbin case out to pull the whole thing out. The bobbin should just fall out of the bobbin case once you tip it.
- While winding the bobbin you need to stop the motion of the needle. Hold the hand wheel and turn the smaller wheeel towardds you. It will seem like you just loosened something. Now when you push on the foot pedal - the needle just stays in one place.
- Put the empty bobbin on the spindle and move the bobbin winder level to the right (it moves the spindle to the right also)
- Put a spool of thread on the spool pin. Wrap the thread around the bobbin winder tension bracket and wrap it around the middle of the empty bobbin.
- Start the machine up with the floor pedal and if everythings right it should start filling up the bobbin with thread from the spool. If not recheck everthing.
- When the bobbin is full, cut the thread, move the bobbin winder lever back, take the bobbin off the spindle and re-tighten the smaller wheel on the hand wheel.
- Put the bobbin back in the bobbin case.
- Thread the Machine :
- Raise the needle to the highest position again.
- Put the spool of tread on the spool pin (if you just filled a bobbin it should already be in place)
- Then lead the end of the thread thru the thread guide, needle thread tension regulator, take up lever, down the needle. Always from left to right through the eye.
- To gather up the bobbin thread, turn the hand wheel slowly towards yourself, while holding onto the end of the thread, keepturning untill the needle passes in and back out of the throatplate. When it comes back out it should have the bobbin thread hooped in with the top thread. Pull on the top thread to lift it entirely out of the throatplate. Take both threads and pull tillabout 3 " inches are from the pressure foot. Lay them to the right side. And the machine is finally set to go.
Well i just wrote a really long post about how its quite breezy and hot today, how my arguing friends reminded me that i don't want to be in a relationship where there is constant arguing, and so forth but my computer crashed and lost it all so it must have been rubbish! but what i was ranting about was that we must be able to invent our own types of relationships with our own rules if we are going to be happy and healthy and have any chance of changing society. I know about JEALOUSY but I'm not suggesting promiscuity or open relationships just that sometimes there may be scope for a certain type of relationship where we become close but try never disrespect the other person or whatever type of relationship floats your boat. Why are we still conducting relationships as if we are each others property?? We all know property is theft!! It is possible to value something highly, tend it and nurture it be tended and nurtured by it and still not own it or have a right to make demands or ultimatums. I think its important to keep a sense of the separateness and reverence of your lovers, if you don't respect and revere them why are you having a relationship with them anyway???? oh well, this is what i will be striving for, probably for the rest of my life but ill have fun trying!!!!